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6 Awesome Websites To Help You Create A Better Landing Page

When it comes to inbound marketing, effective landing pages are absolutely crucial for generating leads. For those who don’t know, a landing page is a website page that allows you to capture an individual's information through a form. Unfortunately, you can often lose visitors on landing pages if your page isn’t enticing enough for them to provide their information.

So, how can you make sure you create a landing page where individuals convert instead of drop off? There are many tools out there that can help you create a kickass landing page so that you can start increasing your conversions.

Landing Page Analyzer

Landing Page Analyzer

Let’s start with the most obvious website out there... Landing Page Analyzer. This site does exactly what you think it does, which is analyze your landing page. Whether your analyzing an existing page or a new one, when you use this site, it’s easy to see where you page stands from a user’s point of view, as well as ways it can be even better.

All you have to do it put in your URL and spend about 5 minutes answering a series of questions. At the end, the site will give you a percentage rating for how effective your landing page is. It also breaks down the rating into categories by what is good about your page and what can be done to improve it.

Hemingway App

Hemmingway App

We can’t all be a Nobel Prize winning writer like the great Ernest Hemingway, but we can use the Hemingway App to help make sure the content our landing pages are capturing our visitors. Your landing page should have enough information on it to get individuals to convert.

The Hemingway App allows you to submit your content and grade the readability of it. It’ll let you know if sentences are hard to read or if there is a simpler alternative to your content. Making sure your landing page content is informative and easy to follow is important. If your message isn’t clear, then people will be confused—and therefore unlikely to convert.

Five Second Test

Five Second Test

Momma always said “First impressions count!” and that couldn’t be more true when it comes to your landing page. Chances are, if your landing page doesn’t make a good first impression, then visitors won’t be coming back to that landing page again. Make sure you capture their attention within the first five seconds by using the website Five Second Test.

This site shows your design to people for five seconds, who are then asked questions about what they remember. If they can’t recall the main purpose of your landing page within those five seconds, then it’s time to update to make a better impression.



We just talked about how important first impressions are, so it only makes sense to now talk about a tool that can help you make a great first impression. Having a powerful headline on your landing page will instantly capture visitor attention. The right headline can help drive traffic, increase shares and search results.

With CoSchedule, you can submit your headline and receive a score from 0-100 on how strong your headline is. The website also gives you an analysis of the overall structure, grammar and readability of your headlines, so you know how to improve.

Moz Rank Tracker


Are you using the right keywords on your landing page? Keywords are important to help improve the SEO efforts behind your landing pages. By using strong keywords, your landing page is likely to perform better, since you have information that you know is important to search engines.

Moz’s rank tracker will let you put in the URL for your landing page and see what keywords help bring you traffic, so that you can be sure to include them on your page.



When it all comes down to it, the form is the most important part of your landing page. After all, it’s what makes your landing page different from a website page and allows you to convert visitors into leads.

If your form is too overwhelming and asking for too much information, then someone might not be willing to fill out the form. Inspectlet allows you to see analytics for individuals interacting with the conversion forms on your site, so that you can increase performance and optimize your form fields.

Get Started On Improving Your Landing Page

A powerful landing page should always include a form (duh), information about you content and a strong visual aspect. It should also be easy to follow so the visitor doesn’t lose interest.

There are many awesome examples to learn from and see how you can continue to optimize your landing page in order to increase conversions on your site.

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Jenna Tinney

Jenna Tinney

As an Inbound Marketing Consultant at Bluleadz, it is my passion to work directly with clients in order to help maximize their inbound marketing strategies. In my spare time, I enjoy being outside on the water either paddleboarding, fishing, boating, scuba diving or just relaxing in the sun.