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How to Pick a Facebook Ad Type | Marketing Minute

How to Pick a Facebook Ad Type | Marketing Minute #010


  • The first thing that you need to think about is the goal of your campaign, and then align that with your ad objective.

Awareness objectives generate interest in your product or service. Consideration objectives get people to start thinking about your business and seek out more information about it. Conversion objectives encourage people to buy or use your product or service. 

A few common ad objectives are reach ads, which allow you to show your ad to the maximum number of people in your audience; traffic ads, which help you drive traffic back to your website or app; engagement ads, which can get more people to see and engage with your post or page; video view ads let you promote videos to raise awareness for your brand;  lead gen ads, which allow you to gather information about users start interested in your business; and conversion ads, which allow you to drive traffic back to your website and then track conversions once they get there.

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According to Facebook, "1.6 billion people worldwide are connected to a small business on Facebook." That's not referring to daily or monthly users, or even total accounts – it's just the accounts that actively follow a brand.

Facebook has a wild amount of advertising potential, and the tools, segmentation, and capabilities of Facebook ads are getting better every day. This is something that not enough businesses capitalize on. Facebook advertising should be a main component in every marketer's digital advertising strategy.

The Most Common Ad Types

There are a quite a few options to choose from when creating a Facebook ad; different options will affect the buttons, format, and other features of your ad, and your ad type should be closely tied in with your ad goals (your objectives of Awareness, Consideration, or Conversions).

The following are some of the most common ad types we've seen utilized by businesses across all industries. Check out Summer's recap in the video above for a rundown of how these ads can benefit businesses and advertisers:

  • Reach ads
  • Traffic ads
  • Engagement ads
  • Video View ads
  • Conversion ads

In addition to these ad types, several newer types are providing companies more engaging ways to reach and engage users, such as:

  • App download/install ads (great for app developers and independent studios)
  • Facebook event ads (for event signups on Facebook; not for events or signups outside of Facebook or the Facebook app)
  • Visit/location ads (ideal for B2C and for generating local interest)

Traditional ad types are unlike boosted ads in their complexity. With the ad types mentioned in this post, you will be able highly segment your ads based on user demographics, education level, and even income! What this translates into is hyper-targeted content when it matters most – when you're paying for it.

When it comes to creating a Facebook ad, the most important factor to consider is your intent. What is your end goal for creating a Facebook ad, and what ad type aligns best with that objective? Once you've figured that out, Facebook makes it very simple to find and promote the right advertisement.

Watch the entire Marketing Minute series!

Alex Dunn

Alex Dunn

Alex is a University of South Florida mass communications graduate and Video/Media Specialist at Bluleadz. He is a big movie nerd, loves (possibly dangerous) concerts and enjoys taunting co-workers with a camera. He's probably seen The Royal Tenenbaums 14 times by now.