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4 Excellent HubSpot CRM Tools Every New Salesperson Needs to Use

Gone are the days of cold calling prospects, sticky note reminders of when to circle back on potential deals, and sending emails back and forth in an attempt to get a meeting on the books.

If you’re a salesperson that is doing that, then please stop living in the stone age and move on to a digital CRM that will help you create a pipeline of sales that are easier to close.

If you are a salesperson who is new to HubSpot CRM, then there are several basic tools that you should have set up so you can work efficiently. These tools will help make your life easier and automate simple things so that you can focus on selling.

Sync Your Calendar with HubSpot Meetings Tool

how to use hubspot meetings

Do you ever feel like when you ask a prospect to meet or set up a call, it turns into a million back-and-forth communications trying to figure out a time that works for both of your schedules?

What if you could send one quick email allowing individuals to select a time to meet at their convenience? Well, with HubSpot meeting links, YOU CAN!

Every new salesperson should be hungry to get meetings booked, but having to take days to get something on the calendar means fewer meetings.

However, with HubSpot’s meetings tool, you can link your Outlook or Google calendar and make your life 10 times easier.

Once your calendar is synced and up to date, only the times you’re available to join should appear as an option. You can then create custom settings for booking calls and meetings.

That way you can send the link to your prospect and they can select the date, time, and duration that works best for them. You’ll then have it added to your calendar, and they’ll receive a booking confirmation.

Talk to Leads When They're on Your Site With HubSpot Live Chat

how to set up hubspot live chat in your crm

As a new salesperson, it is important that you contact and communicate with leads in a timely manner so that you can convert them while they are highly interested in your product or service.

With HubSpot live chat, you can talk to them while they are currently on your site – which is as timely as it gets.

By using HubSpot live chat, you’re making it super simple to communicate with visitors and provide important information that will help add them to your pipeline.

You already know that they are interested in your company since they reached out via chat, and you know it is important because they want instant answers instead of filling out a form. HubSpot’s live chat tool lets you customize your settings to be available at certain times.

You’ll also get notifications when you receive a message so you can be more responsive.

Never Forget Follow Ups With HubSpot Tasks




As a new salesperson, there is a lot to remember, and forgetting to circle back with a lead can result in a missed opportunity. You can write down reminders and to do lists – but those are only reliable if you actually check them.

When a qualified sales prospect shows interest with you but says, “Call me in two months when I have more time to talk,” then how in the world are you supposed to remember when?

With HubSpot tasks, you’ll never risk that chance of having something important fall through the cracks or be forgotten.

And, if you have items that repeat on the regular, you can set up automated workflows for tasks so that you can spend even less time setting reminders and even more time cranking out sales!

Track Your Emails with HubSpot

how to track emails in hubspot

The first thing every new salesperson using HubSpot CRM should do is link their email and start tracking their communications.

If you’re working with Outlook or Gmail, then you can sync your email and have it so that all communication with prospects are tracked in their contact record.

That way, you don’t have to waste time copying and pasting the communication into their profile or search all over your inbox to reference a conversation. You’ll be able to see every email between you and the contact in HubSpot so when you go back, it is easy to get up to speed.

Also, stop wasting your time wondering if someone opened your email and clicked on the link you sent them! When you connect your email with HubSpot’s CRM, you’ll be able to tell exactly how many times they opened in clicked so that you can use this information when communicating with prospects.

Use HubSpot’s CRM Tools to Become a Rockstar Salesperson

As a new salesperson, it can be overwhelming trying to create your book of business and fill your pipeline. Don’t waste your time with tedious tasks and trying to remember things, and focus on selling!

HubSpot’s CRM has numerous tools that can help a new salesperson get up and running; however, meeting links, live chat, tasks, and email tracking are the main ones that are easy to set up and can really help you hit the ground running!

What are your favorite HubSpot tools as a salesperson? Share with us below!

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Jenna Tinney

Jenna Tinney

As an Inbound Marketing Consultant at Bluleadz, it is my passion to work directly with clients in order to help maximize their inbound marketing strategies. In my spare time, I enjoy being outside on the water either paddleboarding, fishing, boating, scuba diving or just relaxing in the sun.