Circles are all around us: They can be found in nature with the sun, moon and stars and man-made in architecture and art. The circle is the universal symbol for unity and eternity. Circles have no beginning and no end. Circles in math illustrate zero, or they can illustrate the whole as in completion of an idea or message. It's a geometric form that touches us on a basic level.
As such, it's a perfect element for creative use as a logo or brand identifier.
Circle logos can help frame and center your message. They give you the opportunity to create a “badge” for your brand and allow you to balance colors and type in a way that can get your brand identity across in a unique way.
From government and technology to fast food and the auto industry, companies from almost every business sector have used the power of the most simple geometric shape to identify their brand. These logos are instantly recognizable and powerful.
Because of it's almost spiritual symbolic meaning, a circle logo can provide enhanced meaning to the perception of your business in the eyes and mind of your customer. Here are 20 brilliant circle logos to inspire you!
Governmental Circle Logos

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The NASA “meatball” was chosen from a design submitted by the Lewis Research Center designer. They task was to design a logo to be used for less formal circumstances and is a simplified version of the official NASA seal.
2. The Olympics
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The five interlocking rings of the modern Olympics logo symbolize the five continents of the world. The colors of the rings represent colors that appear on the flags of every country that participates.
Technology Circle Logos
3. General Electric

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GE was founded in 1890 by Thomas Edison, and their iconic logo is considered one of the greatest logos of all time! There have been many variations through the years, but each has always featured the stylized cursive “GE” in a circle.
The GE logo's circle shape allows the eye to follow around the logo while focusing on the letters in the center. It's a timeless logo that has lasted through the years.
4. Hewlett Packard
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Simple, concise and recognized around the world, the HP logo has remained pretty much the same since its inception. The letters HP surrounded by a circle with the stems of the H and P piercing the edge. It projects the companies assurance of reliance and strength.
5. Xbox

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Show the Xbox logo to any gamer, and they'll instantly recognize it. It's simple and direct. An X “coming out of” a circle. The circle forms the perfect contrast to the sharp “X” icon.
It also distances the product from the rectangular logo of parent company Microsoft. Some say the X and circle are mirrored in the log X-bOX. Whatever the reason, it's iconic, simple, elegant and just cool enough to appeal to the gamers who use the product.
6. Wordpress

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The Wordpress logo is one of the most recognizable and robust circle logos around and has pretty much contributed to the popularity of the platform.
It hasn't changed much since it's introduction in 2003. It's simplistic design and color combination reflects the developers' effort to create a safe, user-friendly and attractive website platform.
Fast Food/Consumer Products
7. Target

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Target's logo was first released in 1962, and the “bullseye” has evolved over the years to become on of the most recognized symbols in North America. A 2003 study found that more than 96% of American shoppers know the bold red bullseye of Target – it's the king of the circle logos!
8. Pepsi

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The Pepsi “globe” logo is one of the most recognized brand symbols around the world and has contributed to the success of the brand. Attractive, simple and instantly recognizable, the logo helps draw people to the brand.
9. Burger King

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The Burger King “bun halves” logo made its debut in 1969 and has been used ever since. It consists of the words “Burger King” representing the meat, sandwiched between two buns with a blue circle surrounding the logo. The colors (red, yellow and blue) are used evoke the appetite.
10. Starbucks
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The Starbuck's mermaid is one of the most recognizable logos thanks to its circular design, unique image and soothing colors. Inspired by an old 16th century woodcut, this logo has garnered design awards for its futuristic design and intricate details.
11. AT&T
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In 1984, when the U.S. Government broke up ATT, they needed a new logo. They wanted a logo that would symbolize the companies global reach, and the instantly recognizable “globe” logo was born. AT&T's blue color was borrowed from the original logo to connect old and new.
12. Tide

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Another take on the bullseye, the Tide logo is an orange and yellow bullseye designed by Donald Deskey, an architect and industrial designer. This logo was the first to use Day-Glo colors – very eye catching when introduced in 1959!
13. Bayer
Image via Brands of the World
The Bayer Cross is one of the world's best-known trademarks. First registered in 1904, it was originally registered for use "for medications for people and animals, disinfectants, preservatives, tar dyes and chemical preparations."
14. Yamaha
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Yamaha's logo consists of three tuning forks in a red circle. It's a perfect representation for a company that creates cutting-edge music technology, and the forks represent the three pillars of their business – technology, production and sales.
15. Vodafone

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Vodaphone is one of the most recognized logos in the world with its distinctive “speech mark.” Created in 1998, it has come to symbolize their new technology and appears as the central graphic in all communications.
Automotive Circle Logos
The circle logo is a natural for auto companies as it symbolizes the wheel. Many of the world's largest automobile companies use some variation of the circle in their logo including:
16. BMW

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The white and blue checker boxes at the center of the BMW logo harken back to the company's founding as an airplane manufacturer. It is a stylized representation of a propeller blade spinning in a clear blue sky. It also symbolizes the colors of the Bavarian flag.
17. Volkswagen
Image via Brands of the World
The Volkswagen logo features a simple version of the initials “VW” in a circle. It's been in use since the companies founding in 1938 and has become an iconic badge for the automaker.
18. Mercedes
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According to the company, the distinctive three points of the Mercedes logo stand for the company's drive toward motorization, the points representing the land, sea and air.
19. Lexus
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Lexus has an instantly recognizable logo. Revealed in 1988, it's a simple, refined and stylish “L” encircled by an oval in a steel gray finish. The color symbolizes creativity, sophistication, modernity and perfection.
20. Audi
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Audi's logo consists of four rings linked together. They represent the four car companies that banded together to create the modern company.
The circle is a simple shape that touches us on a spiritual level. It's the perfect shape for creating a logo that can center your message and reflect your brand in a way that is memorable and relevant.
These 20 examples of circle logos consist of some of the most recognized brands in the world across many industries. If you're considering the circle as an element of your company's logo, use these logos for inspiration!
Rob Steffens
I am the Director of Marketing here at Bluleadz. I'm a huge baseball fan (Go Yankees!). I love spending time with friends and getting some exercise on the Racquetball court.