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3 Pages on Your Website Perfect for Video Marketing

There’s no denying the power of effective video marketing. A well-crafted video strategy can boost engagement, increase conversions and help your target audience better understand who you are and how you can resolve an issue or pain point they are dealing with. Above all else, video provides the best bang for it’s buck as a form of content.

“52% of marketing professionals worldwide name video as the type of content with the  best ROI”


59% of senior executives prefer video over text, on pages where both forms of content are present. Audiences (and more importantly, your future buyers) eat up video content. Video marketing is the concept of leveraging that video in the right place at the right time.

Green screens can do wonders for high-end productionon a budget.

However, therein lies the challenge: what is the best place and context to feature video? Some videos will always generate more ultimate value than others, and while this depends much on the messaging and quality of the video content, it also depends on nailing that perfect context.

In this blog, we highlight the top 3 pages on your website that are absolutely perfect for video marketing - the pages that can be key in getting you the best ROI for your video marketing.

1.) Your Next Landing Page

If you’re not including landing pages in your video marketing strategy, you’re not practicing video marketing at all. A/B testing has shown that landing pages equipped with video can convert as much as 80% more than identical pages without video (EyeView).

Landing page videos can serve a number of purposes, whether it’s to put your product or service into layman’s terms or to motivate and evoke an action (in this case, that ever-valuable form submission). In all cases, landing pages with video have been proven to engage visitors and convert greater than those without.

One of the most valuable decisions we’ve made as marketers was to switch from YouTube to Wistia. In the videos we use on landing pages, we include a “turnstile” form after the final frame, which serves as an alternate form to the one featured on the landing page. Once a user plugs in their information, a clickable image pops up that links to the same Thank You page that would be reached via the actual form.

This “turnstile” form performs the same function as a standard form, but also logs user information in Wistia; we can now see everything else they’ve watched on our site, how long they watched and what pages they watched embedded videos on.

A video turnstile form in Wistia.A clickable download button at the end of a Wistia video.

A Bluleadz video "turnstile" form and clickable download button

Video marketing has exploded in the past year not just because the power of video is becoming more and more apparent, but also because tools have been created to make video marketing and automation incredibly simple.

2.) Your Homepage

house_icon_BZ_colors.jpgThe content choices you make on your site’s homepage are absolutely critical. Messaging and supplementary information have to be fine-tuned and balanced to get visitors from your front door to your pricing page.

People - your potential buyers included - don’t want to read great swaths of text on your homepage. They want an overhead view, which they can use to determine if they want to further explore your site or hit the back button.

Homepage videos change that. Videos are more engaging than text, and the stats are there to prove it. While you could have a section on your homepage detailing the intricacies of your product or service, wouldn’t it be much more effective to give users more concise information in a format they prefer immensely? Homepage video content can be instrumental in keeping visitors on your site after the first visit, and the longer they stay at first, the more likely they are to stick around.

3.) Your Blog

Of all the ways you can use video content as a marketing tool, none is more powerful than incorporating video in your blog. “Whiteboard” videos, industry advice, an entertaining holiday clip… they all provide unique opportunities that other types of content cannot. The key to mastering video blogs as marketing tools is choosing the right platform.

Hosting sites like Wistia have realized the fairytale romance that video and marketing have, and because of this have begun creating the first video marketing platforms. Instead of “Recommended Videos” showing at the end of your video blog, what if you could embed a CTA within the video itself, linking to a landing page or any other page on your site? What if you could insert a form into your videos, such as a quick “Subscribe Now” button at the end of a blog series episode? You can, and if you’re not doing so, you need to be.

bz_xmas_blog.jpgTip: Include “Video” in the title of your video blog posts. Emails with “Video” in the title receive 65% higher click-through rates than those without. When your blog notification email goes out, you want to capitalize on that opportunity.

Sites like Wistia, which acknowledge the power of video marketing, have turned simple embedded videos in essential marketing assets - tools you can use to improve engagement with new visitors and convert seamlessly.

Download now!

Alex Dunn

Alex Dunn

Alex is a University of South Florida mass communications graduate and Video/Media Specialist at Bluleadz. He is a big movie nerd, loves (possibly dangerous) concerts and enjoys taunting co-workers with a camera. He's probably seen The Royal Tenenbaums 14 times by now.