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5 Pages of your Website That Need Video (With Examples)

If you're not using video on your website, you should be! Online video has been a growing trend for the past few years and it's only going to continue to grow.

Whether it's explainer videos on your product pages or recruiting videos on your career page, video is the perfect medium for making an impression on visitors to your website.

Remember, when using video you need to stay true to your brand and the quality should be the highest possible. Video gives you the ability to deliver your message quickly and thoroughly. It makes the information you have to offer easier to digest and is the perfect way to engage with users to build your brand.

Creative video allows you to show your customers who you are, what you do and personalize the process. It's also a great way to go beyond simply disseminating information to entertaining your visitors and humanizing your brand.

Here are five key pages that you should consider adding video content to, along with a bonus use of video that can drive traffic directly to your site!

Landing Pages

Your landing pages are where you convert users interested in your product or service into leads. Video can help to increase conversion rates when done properly. Landing page videos are the perfect media for demonstrating the benefits of your project or service in a concise, informative and entertaining way.

As a design rule, the most engaging content on a page should be placed above the fold. That means when you place your video on your landing page, put it front and center. Placing your a video above the fold gives users an opportunity to engage early, that doesn't mean that you should only use one. Adding other videos to your landing page can deepen the understanding of your message.

A great example of the use of video on a landing page is our own Marketing Review Landing Page.

About Us Pages

About Us pages are a great place to embed video. It's the face of your business and the first place you have a chance to tell, or in this case show, visitors who you are and what you do.

It's also one on the pages on your website that gets the most traffic. Adding video to your About Us page can stop visitors in their tracks, grab their attention and deliver your message. It's the page that showcases your mission, values, team and what sets you apart from competitors.

A wonderful use of About Us page video can be found here.

Career Pages

Your website's career page is a critical element of your company's recruitment process. Adding video to your career page can boost engagement, lower your bounce rate and expand your reach.

Video makes your career page interactive, more engaging and can help you to deliver your message easier by showing what you're all about. Users seeking employment will watch a two-minute video before they'll read a thousands words of text explaining your mission and corporate culture.

Two great examples of carer page videos are Medallia and Soundcloud.


Your blog is where you build thought leadership, inform your customers, develop brand identity and more. It's a critical part of SEO, and the best way to build your brand and business.

Developing a video component (or Vlog) and including video content on your blog page can help you get your message to users quickly and drive even more traffic to your product pages.

Explainer videos can drive sales and creating a Vlog is easier than ever before. You can find websites and software that can make the process easy and fast.

Here are a couple of examples of Vlogs to check out: Wine Lobby TV, and Will it Blend?

Product and Service Pages

Of course your product and services pages are a natural for video. Explainer videos are really popular and can drive sales and engagement. An explainer video does exactly what it says; it explains the uses for your product, why it's a great, and shows how to use it.

It speaks to buyers in a way that static images, or text doesn't. It's a way to showcase your services by creating video that can show your team in action, or explain what you do in a succinct, easy to digest manner. Keep product videos to 30 seconds or less. This also makes them easy to share... more on that in a minute.

Here are innovative product videos that have driven sales—check out Native Union, and Kelty. For Kelty, they made the video on YouTube and embedded it on their product page

Video and Social Media

Along with your website, the videos you produce can also be used as a vital part of your marketing strategy. Most social media sites allow video and your Facebook business page, LinkedIn profile and Instagram pages are great places to post your latest videos. You can have them link back to your website and they are great for driving traffic and conversions.

This can also justify having your videos professionally created. They are not only great additions to your website, they can be valuable marketing tools that can improve your SEO rank, drive traffic, increase conversions, establish you as a thought leader, and drive sales.

So, what are you waiting for!

5 Ways To Use Video In Marketing And Sales

Rob Steffens

Rob Steffens

I am the Director of Marketing here at Bluleadz. I'm a huge baseball fan (Go Yankees!). I love spending time with friends and getting some exercise on the Racquetball court.