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Revamp Your Meet the Team Page to Increase Brand Engagement

Written by Douglas Phillips | 6/14/24 3:41 PM

In the digital age, your website serves as the front door to your business, welcoming visitors with open arms—or, at least, it should. One frequently-overlooked, yet crucial, page that can transform casual browsers into loyal customers is the "Meet the Team" page.



This isn't just a corner of your site to slap on some hastily-taken headshots and call it a day. It's an opportunity to showcase the heart and soul of your business: your team.

It also helps put faces to names for your customers—helping them form a more personal connection with your team before even meeting them. In other words, it makes your team a group of people in customer's eyes, not just "XYZ company team."

Let's dive into how you can revamp your Meet the Team page for better engagement, making it a digital handshake that intrigues and connects with your audience.

Dare to Compare: Look at Meet the Team Page Examples

One of the first things you can do to make a better Meet the Team page is to know what's out there. Start your page revamp by looking at what your competitors and some of the largest companies are doing. 

Reviewing some good Meet the Team page examples can help you understand what you need to do to really stand out. Here are some questions that you'll want to answer:

  • What is it that your competitors are doing?
  • What elements of their pages are resonating with you or catching your eye?
  • Are there opportunities for you to do something completely different that sets you apart from your competitors?
  • Where are they putting their "Meet the Team" page—on a dedicated page or under a larger "About Us" page?

It all starts with learning from the examples set by others—both good and bad!


Unlocking the Power of Personality in Your Team Page

The first step in revamping your Meet the Team page is to inject it with personality. Remember, every member of your team has a story that could potentially resonate with your visitors.

Highlighting your employees' unique backgrounds, skills, and hobbies can turn a dry, static page into a dynamic introduction.

For example, on our own Meet the Team page, each of our headshots has a "on hover" effect that shows a GIF we each chose for ourselves. Mine was a black cat reminiscent of Salem—the cat from the show Sabrina the Teenage Witch

Why? Well:

  1. I like cats.
  2. Salem was my favorite character in that show, he's just so sassy and fun to watch.

It's a silly detail, but—hopefully—it helps you learn a little bit more about me as a person. Which was the point. 

Think about it as turning traditional, somewhat bland, professional profiles into vibrant narratives that celebrate individuality and catch your prospects' interest.

This approach not only makes your team more relatable but also showcases the diverse talents and personalities that power your business.

Crafting Compelling Employee Profiles That Tell a Story

What's more engaging than a well-told story? Names like Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and Game of Thrones all persist in the public memory because they tell great stories (even if they occasionally fumble them later on). 

Crafting compelling employee profiles is about more than listing professional achievements and roles; it's about telling a compelling story. One that describes each team member's journey with your company in an engaging way.

This is where you can really showcase the human side of your business.

Encourage your team to share not just their professional background but also:

  • Their passions. Let's go Sound of Music with your employees and ask: What are a few of their favorite things? From personal hobbies to food and TV shows, what is it that they love to do most outside of work? Sharing some details about their passions makes your employees feel less like profiles and more like people to your Meet the Team page readers.
  • Their motivations. What motivates your employees to do what they do? What is their goal in life? Help your customers get to know what drives your team by discussing their motivations.
  • Personal anecdotes. Do your employees have a fun or compelling story to tell about themselves? Personal stories help really make your team profiles more personal and engaging.
  • Why they love what they do at your company. Why do your employees work for your company? This can be related to their overall motivations, but it can be important to explain why they work for your company, specifically.

Crafting a narrative for each of your employees that visitors can connect with helps create a more personal connection. This, in turn, helps form the foundation of a personalized service or marketing strategy.

Beyond Headshots: Integrating Interactive Elements

Gone are the days when a static photo sufficed to represent a team member. Today's internet users crave interaction and engagement. According to Linearity, "Interactive content demonstrates 52.6% higher engagement levels than static content." 

With this in mind, integrating interactive elements into your Meet the Team page could have a huge impact on your page's performance.

For example, you could add:

  • Hover effects that reveal fun facts or quirky animations that reflect each person's personality.
  • Clickable elements that expand new modules with more details about each profile.
  • Page elements that change as people scroll down the page—such as changing images to show more fun images of your team as they scroll by.

These elements not only make your page more engaging but also encourage visitors to spend more time getting to know your team. This means more time per pageview and more opportunities to convert that visitor into a lead or a customer.

It's a digital way of breaking the ice and starting a conversation before you've even met.

Sharing the Spotlight: Including Every Team Member

A cohesive team typically has many members in different roles who each contribute to your business's success.

Ensure that your Meet the Team page reflects this by including every team member that your customers will interact with, from the CEO to the interns.

This inclusive approach demonstrates your company values and the importance of every role within your organization.

Additionally, it gives a face and a story to the wide range of individuals who contribute to your products or services, further humanizing your brand.

Addressing the Challenge of Adding a Lot of Team Member Profiles to Your Team Page

Of course, including everyone does introduce a challenge to managing your Meet the Team page—especially in a larger organization with scores of employees: making the page easy to navigate.

The more profiles you put on your team page, the more scrolling a visitor will have to do to find specific team members. While simply having a large wall of headshots is impressive, it's not particularly user-friendly.

To improve user experience (UX) on your Meet the Team page, consider:

  • Using collapsible team headers for different departments. When a user clicks on the team header, make it expand to show them all of the members of that particular department. This saves space on the page and makes it easier to find the specific team members that your clients/customers will interact with.
  • Creating team-specific pages for different departments. Another solution that might be easier for a non-designer to implement in HubSpot's drag-and-drop website design tools would be creating additional team website pages. Dedicate each page to a specific team and pack it with all of the profiles for that team member. It's a less elegant solution than using interactive elements that users can click on—but it works if you don't have access to professional website design services and are on a tight time limit.

Infusing Your Page with Fun Facts and Personal Touches

Adding personal touches, such as fun facts or favorite quotes, can transform your Meet the Team page from a bland corporate directory into a lively community of interesting individuals. Hopefully, people that your prospects and customers will want to get to know!

Some personal touches that you can add to a team profile on your Meet the Team page include:

  • Fun Facts about the Employee. From bowling trophies to their favorite food, consider adding some "fun facts" about each employee to liven up their profiles and make them more personal.
  • Picture Collages or Collections Made by the Employee. Get the employees to share photos from events, vacations, or their personal lives. Putting these photos in the team page with their profiles can help visitors get to know your team members better without you having to narrate their whole life's story—a picture is worth 1,000 words, after all!
  • Workplace Awards and Achievements. Do you have a robust employee recognition program in place? Leverage it on your Meet the Team page to show off any awards, accolades, and certifications your team members have! This helps you demonstrate to visitors the work ethic and special skills your employees can bring to the working relationship.

These touches add depth to the profiles and provide conversation starters that help break down the virtual barrier between your team and your visitors.

It's these small details that can make your team more memorable and relatable, encouraging potential customers to reach out and connect.

Encouraging Engagement: Making Your Team Approachable

Finally, your revamped Meet the Team page should encourage visitors to engage with your team in addition to showcasing who your employees are as people.

Include clear calls-to-action (CTAs), such as inviting visitors to reach out via email or connect with specific team members on LinkedIn. Of course, if you're going to add employee social media profiles and accounts to the Meet the Team page, you should ensure that:

  1. Employees know that their social media profiles are going to be visible on your site.
  2. Your employees are okay with having those social profiles listed on your Meet the Team page.
  3. Employees are aware of any interaction requirements on social media. For example, should they maintain a set activity level such as replying to comments or making one social post per week? 

You could even include a feature that allows visitors to schedule a chat or consultation directly from the team page. For example, a link where you can book a meeting with the Bluleadz team to discuss our services.

By making your team approachable, you're opening the door to potential collaborations, sales, and long-term relationships.

Final Thoughts

Revamping your Meet the Team page is not just about adding pretty pictures and witty descriptions; it's about creating a bridge between your business and your audience.

It's an opportunity to showcase the innovative, helpful, trustworthy, and human aspects of your brand in a way that resonates with visitors.

By following these tips and infusing your page with personality, compelling stories, interactive elements, inclusivity, personal touches, and opportunities for engagement, you're setting the stage for deeper connections and, ultimately, better business outcomes.

Remember, in the end, people want to do business with people they know, like, and trust. Your Meet the Team page is your chance to kickstart that relationship on the right note.

Need help creating compelling pages for your website? Let's talk!