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6 Reasons Why You Should Write a Year In Review Blog Post

Finding excellent content for your blog can be a challenge even with an editorial calendar and plenty of useful topics to cover.

A year in review blog post gives you an opportunity to summarize your top performing articles, highlight ones that may not have gotten the traction you wanted, and see where you've been so you can make a plan for the next twelve months. 

A year in review blog post can look at the company’s ups and downs, topics you covered on your blog, or even business and employee news.  

Why Is It Important to Create a Year in Review Blog Post?

Around 409 million people a month view over 20 billion pages. Brands constantly create new content. If you want your blog to stay near the top of their consideration, you have to offer something fresh and of value. 

Year in review posts have a number of advantages over other types of content. Here are some of the reasons you should write year in review blog posts. We’ll also share some examples you’ll find useful. 

1. Reach New Readers.

One of the ways you can reach new readers is by proving to them you’re an expert in your field. Year in review blog posts give you an opportunity to show all the expert advice you’ve given during the past 12 months. 

You can show them a range of topics in a single post, which helps you attract them as loyal subscribers. When they see you regularly offer new content, they’ll be more likely to return. A year in review gives you an opportunity to show how you consistently provide advice. 

Source: NYU

New York University takes a look back at their academic year each August, showing highlights at the university. Not only does the post give them some content to add to their website, but it shows potential students the activities they might get involved with should they choose to attend the school. 

2. Remember What You’ve Covered.

A year in review gives you a chance to see any holes in your blog content. Are there important topics you meant to write about and didn’t get around to? It’s easy to get sidetracked with current events and forget to cover the anchor posts that build an excellent site for years to come.

What guides are you missing that might be most helpful to your users? You want both long word count articles and shorter ones. Ideally, your site will have a mix or content length and types. 

3. Celebrate Your Favorites.

What were your favorite topics from the past year? Ask your editors to come up with a list of things they are particularly proud of.

There might be times when an excellent post gets buried under others. However, when you put the highlight on it again, your readers will see why you shared that particular subject and why it matters.

Source: Danaher 

Danaher takes a look at some of their favorite stories from 2021. Each one gives an inside look at the company and offers some insight into what drives their staff. Blog readers can see what causes matter to the company by looking at the stories they chose to feature in the post. 

4. Put Content Back in Front of Readers.

When you post your content and when you share on social media can make a difference in how many people see it. Perhaps you have topics that didn’t gain the traction you thought they would. Do you want to give them another chance by creating a new post featuring them?

Studies show consumers spend as much as 40 percent more money when they engage with your brand on social media. Creating an end of the year review on your blog gives you an opportunity to share many articles at once and during peak times when customers are most likely to engage. 

5. Set the Tone for Next Year.

A year in review post can also help you set goals and tone for the coming year. You can look ahead and make a few predictions you’re fairly certain will come to pass. Showing that you fully understand your industry and likely scenarios establishes your expertise in your industry. 

Source: Linklaters 

Linklaters looks at the world in the past year and how it applies to legal topics. They then look at the next year and what might happen and what the impact will be. Depending on your business, you can focus on what is most applicable to your audience. 

6. Improve SEO.

Google enjoys fresh, regular content. Although no one fully understands the nearly daily changes to Google’s algorithms, most professional website developers and marketers do know that posting regularly and creating high-value content improves search engine results pages rankings. 

When you run out of things to say and are hunting for material, doing reviews gives you an opportunity to create some internal links and drive more traffic to older posts. 

Create Trust With Consistent Blogging

An active blog shows customers you are on top of industry changes and trends. You know what content your audience needs and ensure they get the best information possible.

Over time, you’ll create trust with your audience and they’ll be more likely to believe what you have to say about important topics. A year in review blog post is an easy way to repurpose content while still offering a fresh perspective.

download our how to blog guide by clicking here 

Eleanor Hecks

Eleanor Hecks

Eleanor Hecks is editor-in-chief at Designerly Magazine. She was the creative director at a prominent digital marketing agency prior to becoming a full-time freelance designer. Eleanor lives in Philadelphia with her husband and pup, Bear.