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Blog | Mastering ABM with HubSpot Tools

Written by Douglas Phillips | 7/23/24 1:30 PM

Account-based marketing (ABM) is a marketing methodology where you identify high-value accounts in your target market and create a personalized buying experience for those accounts.

When done right, ABM helps businesses improve their customer acquisition, revenue generation, and growth. But how can you do account-based marketing the "right" way?

One way is to leverage HubSpot's suite of ABM tools to fuel your account-based marketing strategies to boost ROI and streamline your marketing efforts.



Let's explore how you can use HubSpot in your ABM strategy!

Exploring the Core Elements of HubSpot’s ABM Tools

HubSpot's ABM tools are a game-changer for marketing team managers aiming to personalize their approach and focus on high-value accounts. These tools are designed to align sales and marketing efforts seamlessly, ensuring that both teams are on the same page and targeting the same accounts with precision.

At the heart of HubSpot’s ABM toolkit is the ability to create and manage target account lists, align marketing campaigns with sales plays, and leverage personalized content strategies to engage key decision-makers.

You can even work account-based marketing into your main website pages and blogs by leveraging smart content modules. Smart content changes what viewers see based on who they are.

For example, you could set a smart content module that shows a generalized message for unknown audience members, but show a different message referencing the benefits of a product or service to contacts that have downloaded related offers.

Moreover, HubSpot enriches each account with valuable insights, enabling marketers to tailor their messages precisely. This is made possible through the standard and custom objects you can use in HubSpot to track and analyze engagement metrics and fine-tune your approach for each account.

HubSpot's ABM tools are not just about managing accounts; they're about nurturing relationships through strategic, data-driven interactions that resonate personally with each account.

Integrating HubSpot with Your ABM Strategy for Maximum Effectiveness

To harness the full potential of Account Based Marketing, integration is key. HubSpot provides a platform where every tool and feature is interconnected, offering a holistic approach to your ABM strategy.

Integration means your marketing campaigns can be more targeted, your sales team can have greater insights into account activities, and your customer service can deliver personalized experiences, all within the HubSpot ecosystem.

Here are a few key HubSpot tools to leverage in your ABM strategy: 

  • HubSpot Workflows. By leveraging HubSpot's workflows, you can automate personalized outreach at scale, ensuring that the right message reaches the right people at the right time.
  • Lead Scores. Integration also means that your team can utilize HubSpot's lead scoring capabilities to prioritize accounts based on engagement, further refining your ABM efforts for maximum effectiveness.
  • Smart Content. As mentioned earlier, leveraging smart content helps you personalize experiences to your target accounts—helping you enhance your ABM strategy.
  • Contacts Database. Review your contacts to identify high-priority accounts to target based on standardized HubSpot properties... or create your own custom properties to make your targeting even more granular. Leverage active lists to sort out the cream of the crop for your sales reps to engage with.

Utilizing HubSpot CRM for Enhanced Account Insight

HubSpot CRM tools are the backbone of any effective ABM strategy. they provide an extensive view of each account's interactions, transactions, and internal champions.

With HubSpot’s CRM, you can track email opens, website visits, download history, and more, giving you a comprehensive picture of account engagement. This enables your team to craft hyper-personalized outreach strategies and anticipate the needs of each account.

For example, do you see a target account constantly visiting the same few pages on your website? That's a strong indication that the prospect is very interested in something related to those pages. So, creating a customized email centered around those pages could help you capture that lead and convert them into a customer.

The CRM’s seamless integration with other HubSpot tools means that any interaction with an account is logged and accessible, providing a single source of truth for your team. This ensures that each account is approached with a cohesive strategy, and no touchpoint is missed in your ABM efforts.

Leveraging Advanced Reporting Features in HubSpot for ABM Analytics

Measuring the success of your ABM campaigns is essential, and HubSpot’s advanced reporting features provide the analytics you need to track performance and ROI.

HubSpot’s custom reports allow you to analyze account engagement at a granular level, monitor campaign effectiveness, and measure progress toward your marketing goals under your ABM strategy.

For example, you could create a custom attribution reports showing which marketing efforts have the most success at converting customers or common touchpoints in every successful customer journey.

These insights empower you to make data-driven decisions, adjusting your strategies in real time to optimize results. With HubSpot's reporting, you can demonstrate the value of your ABM efforts to stakeholders, using clear, concise data to tell the story of your success.

Best Practices and Tips for Leveraging HubSpot in ABM

To truly excel in ABM with HubSpot, consider these best practices:

  • Identify and Prioritize Your Target Accounts: Use HubSpot's lead scoring tools to determine the accounts with the highest potential. Subscribers with Professional or Enterprise tier subscriptions can even customize the HubSpot score property to base their lead scores on custom criteria. 
  • Align Sales and Marketing Teams: Leverage HubSpot's unified platform to maintain a shared vision and strategy. Align sales and marketing teams by using tools like HubSpot Sequences to assign tasks between members of both teams in a sequence.
  • Personalize Your Content: Utilize HubSpot's content creation tools to deliver tailored messages that resonate with each account. For example, smart content modules can create customized experiences for every viewer. 
  • Leverage Automation Wisely: Set up smart workflows in HubSpot to automate tasks without losing the personal touch. Create workflows with lead score or activity triggers to follow up with leads as soon as they qualify under your account-based marketing strategy.
  • Monitor Account Health: Keep an eye on account engagement with HubSpot’s CRM to ensure timely and relevant interactions. Tools like the HubSpot Conversations Inbox help you track when communications happened, what was said, and when follow-ups are due.
  • Analyze and Optimize: Regularly review HubSpot’s analytics to refine your approach and improve your ABM results. From reporting dashboards to custom objects and reports, HubSpot provides a bevy of resources to help you analyze your ABM strategy so you can optimize it.

Get Help Implementing HubSpot for Account-Based Marketing

Need help leveraging all of the tools HubSpot has to maximize your ROI from your account-based marketing strategy? Schedule a meeting with the experts at Bluleadz to discuss HubSpot implementation, onboarding, and ongoing management services.

Our team has years of experience as a HubSpot partner agency and can help you get the most out of your subscription so you can fuel your business' growth.